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2013年-01月-28日 来源:mebo



    科技日报Science Daily 2013年1月25日:波斯顿大学医学院的一项实验模型最新研究表明由iPS细胞生成的组织被移植回基因相同的受体中时没有发生排斥反应。该研究在线发表在Cell Stem Cell 上,证实了iPS 具有发育成各类型细胞为多种疾病比如糖尿病、肝和肺部疾病等提供疗法且不会发生排斥反应的可能。

     该研究的两位资深作者Ashleigh Boyd, DPhil 和Neil Rodrigues, DPhil 是波斯顿大学医学院皮肤科副教授,波斯顿大学和波斯顿医疗中心再生医学研究中心的研究员,同时也是国家卫生研究所罗杰•威廉斯医学中心的生物医学杰出研究中心的主要研究者(罗杰•威廉斯医学中心是波斯顿大学的一个临床研究附属机构)。







Lack of Immune Response to Differentiated Cells Derived from Syngeneic Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

Author: Prajna Guha1, John W. Morgan1, Gustavo Mostoslavsky2, Neil P. Rodrigues1, 2, 3, 4,
Ashleigh S. Boyd1, 2, 3, 4,
• 1 NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) in Stem Cell Biology, Roger Williams Medical Center, Boston University School of Medicine, Providence, RI 02908, USA
• 2 Center for Regenerative Medicine (CReM), Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 02118, USA
• 3 Department of Dermatology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 02118, USA
The prospects for using autologous induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) in cell replacement therapy have been tempered by evidence that undifferentiated, syngeneic mouse iPSCs are immunogenic upon transplantation. However, the immunogenicity of more therapeutically relevant differentiated cells remains unexplored. Here, we differentiated mouse iPSCs into embryoid bodies (EBs) or representative cell types spanning the three embryonic germ layers and assessed their immunogenicity in vitro and after their transplantation into syngeneic recipients. We found no evidence of increased T cell proliferation in vitro, rejection of syngeneic iPSC-derived EBs/tissue-specific cells (TSCs) after transplantation, or an antigen-specific secondary immune response. Thus, differentiated cells derived from syngeneic iPSCs do not appear to be rejected after transplantation. We also found little evidence of an immune response to undifferentiated, syngeneic iPSCs. Our data support the idea that differentiated cells generated from autologous iPSCs could be applied for cell replacement therapy without eliciting immune rejection.
